We humans occasionally chafe at the mere mention of the “Ch” word: Change. No matter, TBT took a look under its timebanking hood and determined it’s time to change it up. Give it a boost. A breath of fresh air. (One of the loveliest idioms ever: Something that’s pleasantly new. Different. Refreshing.) Think Altoids or the rush that comes with seeing a great friend again after a too-long hiatus.
Some TBT timebankers recently chatted up the notion of the TBT Revitalization Project. Putting the idea of MORE vitality onto our community table. Spreading the word to MORE people about our amazing timebanking exchange program. You can begin right in your nearby orbit (We’ll show YOU, scary Mr. Change!) Make it easy. Start at your quilting circle, support group, extended family dinner, Girls Night Out, when you’re riding the bus, at church, sangha, synagogue, mosque, economic development meeting, warm up before yoga class. You get the idea.
We aim to build community, connect, expand. Sign up to offer an exchange around something you love: cooking, organizing, skate boarding, snorkeling, helping someone learn to read. Whatever your passion is, share it in a timebank exchange. And reach out through TBT for something you might need: a ride to a doctor’s appointment, a partner to help you take a walk around the block, a meal delivered after a baby’s born. “TimebanksUSA” has a trove of ideas and connection to national timebanks for tips on how to take action. To earn exchange hours, host a movie night in your house or local community center and invite timebank members. Fling your doors open for a potluck. Invite peeps over for a weed-pulling party in your garden. Have a barn raising shindig. (Hey, if you were Amish, this would be apropos…) Got more ideas? Email us at info@tampabaytime.org or post to Facebook. We’re all eyes and ears!