Mark Your Calendars for a Valentine’s Soirée!

By Grace Maselli

Tampa Bay Timebank members and friends are cordially invited to a Valentine’s Soirée potluck where each guest can safely wear his or her heart on their well-worn (or otherwise) sleeve! Come share an enchanting dish and be prepared to extol love, celebrate joy, and bemoan loss as may be applicable. (Uh, er, when isn’t it applicable?) Tell us your tales of love liberation or what your heart aches for. Come single, coupled, ambivalent, or whatever.

Festive Valentine’s Accessories Required for Entry!

Whether it’s a red glitter heart headbopper—or a suitable tinsel tiara and socks festooned with the ancient Roman god of love—come dressed for Valentine’s attention. Regale us with accounts of crushes from yesteryear or the last 10 minutes, or anything else cupid would wink at or shed a tear over. We’ll empathize over pink confections and 1950s Jell-O molds. (Does anyone know how to make a Jell-O mold?) Come join the TBT Valentine’s Soirée where we’ll pass the “talking heart” from participant to participant, sharing friendship and real life. 

Date Sunday, February 10, 2018
Time 3:00 to Our Heart’s Content
Address 2128 Park Crescent Drive
Land O Lakes, FL  34639
Questions? Contact or call (215) 834-4567 and reference our Valentine’s  Soirée potluck.