Join Tampa Bay Time!

How do I join?

There are several steps to join and begin participating in Tampa Bay Time.

1. Set up an account.

Complete the online application and follow any instructions you receive by email and on-screen.

The time bank community is based on trust. Use your real name and post a picture of yourself. Include your contact info so that other members can reach you.

2. Pay your annual membership dues.

The suggested annual membership fee is between $20-$50. Kindly contribute what you can. The sliding scale helps us fund sponsorships. If you need a sponsorship, please email:

3. Have an entrance interview with a Tampa Bay Time representative.

Email a coordinator to set up an interview in person or by phone. Attend a time bank event to meet other members, get your questions answered, and start making exchanges.

Check the calendar for listing of upcoming events.

4. Once you’re membership is activated, log in to post your Services Ads (Offer and Requests). Make friends, have fun!

For more information, for help with your application or using the online system, or if you want to get more involved with the time bank, please contact a



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